Edge Impulse Project Dashboard Redesign

Project Overview
Edge Impulse is a machine learning platform focuses on B2B service for developers. During my time there, I redesigned the project dashboard, enhanced the project usability to optimize user's experience for project browsing and discovery.
10 weeks
1 Designer
2 Engineers
1 PM
my contribution
  • Redesigned the Edge Studio dashboard to optimize user's project browsing, resulting in an 80% improvement in usability.
  • Collaborated with product manager and engineers to ensure and deliver high quality design outcomes.
  • Led an end-to-end design process to final implementation.
Edge Impulse is a development platform for machine learning on edge devices, allows developers speeding up the creation of AI products. It's trusted by industry leaders like NASA, Oura, and NOWATCH, and 100,000+ developers for 250,000+ projects.
Edge Impulse homepage


We discovered the project dashboard page is not being utilized. The current design lacks a clear overview of project contents, which makes it difficult for users to browse and share projects, ultimately leading to inefficiencies.
    Original version of project dashboard :  complicated and not helpful


    Pain points

    Through my heuristic evaluation, I identified 3 key issues that are causing the problem.
    01 Inefficient
    Important information is scattered on multiple tabs and requires users to know what they’re looking for.
    Original user flow to get key info
    02 Indistinguishable
    Most projects look the same from project dashboard, making it hard to distinguish project quality.
    Different projects looks the same
    03 Roadblocking
    Certain project tabs can only be viewed after cloning, create roadblocks for users while browsing.
    Several tabs aren't available
    ‍I looked competitors' dashboard to gain insights, including Github, Hugging Face and Kaggle. My takeaways are:
    - Dashboard provides an overview of a project
    - Categorize information to help user navigate
    - Highlight critical details for reference

    Competitive Analysis


    Design decision

    I created multiple versions of the project dashboard, each with a different emphasis and categorization on key info. Through this approach, I aimed to identify the essential information and its hierarchy. Below are the 2 most valuable ones which later inform the decision-making process for my design:
    01 Prioritizing Data + Project Overview
    User can easily access project overview with a data explorer serves as a comprehensive landscape for data visualization.
    02 Maximizing information
    User can access all project details better than the first version. The extra Impulse section allows user to view model and algorithm details easily.
    I worked closely with my product manager and engineers, we refined our approach and ultimately chose version 2 for two main reasons:

    - Key information are covered and categorized correctly.
    - Design is flexible and scalable to incorporate variety of projects.

      These 2 reasons address the user pain points of inefficient, Indistinguishable. We also address the third pain point by removing the inaccessible tabs.

      User testing

      I made clickable prototypes and ran the testing with 5 users. I facilitate them to use my prototype and learn their thoughts.
      Transcript of UX testing

      General Insights

      Users see the new dashboard helpful and an as huge improvement from the existing design.

      “It gives you a high level of flavor of what’s going on. What’s the class of the data, what the question is, sense of where the data is , how well are we doing.”
      “Adding this top level thing is incredibly useful, that’s where you get all of your labels.”
      New project dashboard

      Iteration : Data

      Users wanted to dig in deeper to understand specific data samples.

      “ I would have to do a little more digging. What exactly is the data sample size?”
      “Is there a hover? Can I click it?...Super critical when we have visualization is to be able to action in some way.”

      Iteration : Performance

      Users want to be able to compare performance for different devices and optimizations.

      “I think it would be helpful for user to see what device is compatible with specific target for this project.”
      “The numbers change depending on the device you choose on the latency calculation.”
      “Definitely want to click it through to see what performance and behavior particularly between quantized and unquantized.”

      Final Results

      80% of users find the new design helpful and a huge improvement.
      Overall I have..
      - Improved efficiency of project browsing and sharing.
      - Made projects dashboard info more consumable and accessible.

      “There’s good amount of information there. It’s not overwhelming. It’s good balance.”
      “It’s really useful for me to have the impulse view.It’s really nice to have a highlight of what we’re using.“

      New project dashboard
      New project dashboard + options on performance
      New project dashboard + expanded data explorer

      Takeaway & Reflection

      I'm truly honored to have worked with the Edge Impulse team over the summer. Tackling such a complex project was a challenge, but deeply rewarding. I'm grateful to the team for placing their trust in me and offering unwavering support from the outset. It's been an enriching journey.

      Key takeaways:
      - When faced with a vast scope, start with an assumption.
      - Emphasize early and rapid iterations.
      - Clickable prototypes streamline the handoff to engineers.
      - Be succinct when presenting insights.

      Given more time, I'd relish the chance to further refine the dashboard pages to elevate design quality, ensuring consistency, discoverability, and efficiency for our users."

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